Monday, January 5, 2009

From filthy rags to a golden crown (2)

Ultimately, we're all looking for happiness and peace. Yes, some may spend their entire lives chasing after money but the truth is that eventually, it is happiness and peace that we're all after. Education, money, possessions etc are all perceived means to an end. But as we previously learned, happiness and peace can only be found in God - for "in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy and pleasures evermore". But how can fallen man be restored to the presence of God?

"Come unto me all ye who are weak and heavy laden..." (Matt 11:28). "Many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 20:16). God's master plan to restore men to Himself is extended to all. But only a few - yes, a handful - have been nominated or provided with access to His awesome presence. I'm sure by now you're thinking, "tough luck for me!" Well, salvation is more simple than most of us actually think. If our salvation was anything like applying for a business permit, we would need to bribe so many people along the chain. In this world we live in it's about "who you know" and "what do you have to offer". I remember applying for a tender to install and optimize a computer network for a certain organization in town. The guy who was "hooking us" up with the deal kept reminding us of his cut (10%). Sadly, we came to a halt after every other person involved in the process started asking for a lil' something. Eventually, we gave up and left the deal. Thank God there is no bribing angels to get into His presence. We have only one access card, Jesus, and the password is "faith". "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb 11:6).

I was about to type-off and take a vacation after revealing the password to God until someone asked, "What is Faith" and "Faith in what?" Now, that's another 5 extra paragraphs... let me leave it for next time we chat again about our journey from "filthy rags to a golden crown". As for today, pray for FAITH in your life and for a revelation of an understanding on what it really means.

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