Thursday, July 1, 2010

From a Rock Pile to a Cathedral

Recently, someone asked me about what is so special about my favorite quote - A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral). I thought I could share the answer I gave him as I believe it could be a blessing to many other people.

Many a times we give up our dreams, our ambitions and fail to reach our goals because we don't believe we have what it takes to get there. Ben Carson tells his story of how one day, after performing poorly in a test during his early schooling days, he answered his mother saying, "I'm dumb". But his mother persistently reminded him that he had "all that it takes" and "the whole world is in your mind". And many years later after performing one of the most complex medical procedures ever known to the history of man (thus splitting the conjoined Siamese twins), his mother reminded him once again "you've got the whole world up in there". Yes, we have all we need and that is, this God-given brain.

Within our skull, between our eyes, sits one of the most precious gifts God has ever given to mankind. It is where the power of intellect and the power of freewill intersect to draw out from man's soul new beginnings, inexpressible beauty and creativity with lasting effects. We have all that it takes if only we wake up and use this precious brain to "think", "dwell upon", "contemplate" and "study" more about these rock piles in our lives - rock piles of our business plans, our development projects, our research papers, our music compositions, our building plans, our economies, our national policies, evangelistic campaigns, community projects and so forth. If no cathedral exists, it is only because no single man nor woman has ever looked at the rock pile with careful contemplation and thought.