Thursday, August 21, 2008

Condoms or Conduct? PART II

Some of you are wondering where this discussion started. Well, someone just popped the question after a nice Sabbath lunch with a group of young people. Immediately, the group was polarized – some for while others against the motion that the church teaches her unmarried young people on the use of condoms. I believe you’re all thinking… and what do you (Doc Phil) think about it!? Well, just hang in there… I’ll tell you right at the end of this post.

Those who were against the motion argued that if the church teaches the young unmarried youth on the use of condoms the following may happen:

  1. Urge to Experiment

There was a general concern that some young people may see the green light to actually go and experiment on the use of condoms. Somehow, this will promote promiscuity. This may occur mostly with teenagers.

  1. Misunderstanding Church’s intent

Some may misunderstand or misinterpret the Church’s intent. They may think that the Church is educating them on condoms “just in case they’re tempted to fall”.

  1. Church image at stake

Naturally, people may not see this move positively. It may appear as if the church is promoting “sin” by teaching their young people on the use of condoms.

Those who were for the motion objected those who were against it by arguing that:

  1. Education and Encouragement are two different things

Educating young people on the use of condoms is not the same thing as Encouraging them to use them. There are many people we know who are educated on contraceptives etc but they are not involved sexually.

  1. The knowledge of condoms cannot change behaviour

People’s behaviour can hardly be influenced by knowledge. Sexually active youth will persist thus whether they are educated or not. The Church has not taught her youth on the use of condoms in sub-Saharan Africa yet the high HIV/AIDS stats (even within the church) suggest a sexually active youth.

  1. Promiscuity is not just sexual intercourse

Promiscuity begins with the thought according to Matt 5:28. The church may decide not to teach her youth on the use of condoms but if they’re busy lusting one for another, they’re still committing adultery.

I have basically summarized the arguments that these young people had brought up. I agree and disagree with both sides in certain points. These together with my conclusion will be discussed in my second and hopefully, last post on this particular subject.

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