Monday, March 24, 2008

THISDASO mini-retreat Morogoro

Dear all,

Over the Easter weekend I was blessed to attend the THISDASO (Tanzanian High Institutions' Seventh-day Adventist Students' Organization) mini-retreat. There were delegates from the Dar zone, Morogoro zone as well as Dodoma zone. We had a variety of programs and speakers. Some of the discussions/presentations are summarized below:

Friday 21st March, 2008 (07:00am)

Jesus is the Way by Pr. Matinyi (Chaplain, THISDASO Eastern Zone)

Proverbs 14:12, John 14:16

Pastor Matinyi reminded us that there is a “way” that seems right before our eyes but leads to destruction. As humans, we are normally inclined to making choices that destroy us but we can never err if we opt for Christ. Should Christ be the center of every thought and every path we choose to take, we are bound for eternal life.

Friday 21st March, 2008 (09:00am)

COURTSHIP (I) by Pastor Matinyi

“Life is about making choices and thereafter living with the consequences”. This was Pastor Matinyi’s key quote. During this discussion, we learned about different maternal and fraternal tendencies that either a man or a woman can possess and how they affect their behaviors. We learned for example that a man with “hyper fraternal tendencies” regards his wife as a child and would most likely physically abuse her (beat her). On the contrary, a man with “hyper maternal tendencies” regards his wife as his mother. He remains very loyal and obedient while the woman with the same tendencies would treat him as his child.

During this discussion, we also examined the reasons for which men and women seek for a permanent relationship (marriage). Men normally look for companionship, a home, children and finally a sexual relationship. In the descending order of importance, women seek for secure love, a sustained relationship, sexual fulfillment and lastly children.

When seeking for a life-partner, it is important to ask yourself “whether he/she would be the right person to be the father/mother of your children – socially, spiritually & economically (if it is relevant)?”

Friday 21st March, 2008 (12:30pm)

Who will go to heaven? By Pr. Matinyi

Psalms 15:1-5 answers the question. But most importantly, we were exhorted to choose our peers carefully. “Birds of the same feather, flock together”.

Friday 21st March, 2008 (06:30pm)


Why must I talk to Jesus? How can I talk to Jesus? Once again, through his richly academic style of presentation, Dr. Malago tackled these questions. Key texts were 1 Chronicles 21 and Eph 1:15-17.

Sat 22nd, March 2008 (11:20am)

Habits Vs Experience by Pr. Gagi (Chairman, Eastern Conference Tanzania)

Key texts: Numbers 20:1-13, Ex 17:1-7

Moses developed the “habit” of hitting the rock to supply water. Instead of obeying God’s direct command to “speak to the rock”, Moses resolved to his old habit and as a result he was forbidden to enter Canaan.

The Lord, in His mercy, still supplied the children of Israel with water on that day. Had He not done so, Moses would have probably been stoned by the thirsty and angry mob - especially after insulting them.

After this occasion, Moses’ actions were thereafter led by his experience that hearkening to God’s word is crucial. Moses learned that God has different ways of yielding the same results and to pay attention to His Word at every moment is more important that to turn to the “traditional way of doing things”.


During the retreat we also had other programs such as a health talk on HIV-AIDS and nutrition, sports and games, a talent night show on Sunday evening and a tour to the rocky mountains and Motko. I took the following pic at the Rock Gardens. The next retreat will involve delegates from the entire East African region and this year it will take place at Baraton University in Kenya during the christmas season. Please, do not miss! YWHW bless

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