The difficulties that one must encounter and the challenges that one must face are all designed to lead these precious sons and daughters of the Most High to "faith" - the substance of things hoped for, Christ Himself. For He said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23).
An old saying states "a diamond is a lump of coal that has endured enormous temperature and pressure over a long time". Faith that can withstand the most perilous times in life, faith that can see past the immediate pain and faith that can hold onto the last breath even when all has been stripped away does not come overnight. It is cultivated. It is watered. It grows. To stand where Jesus stood requires no less faith than He Himself displayed at the cross. He believed in His Father's will and love for mankind and was willing to sacrifice all to complete that mission. Do we believe in God's will and love for us? Do we believe in Him enough to be willing to lose all that we have - even our very lives - to fulfill His will? Should we reach that level, we can say with all reason we have trodden the path to faith.