Whether tithing (systematic benevolence), that is giving a tenth of one's income, is a Christian obligation or not, is not the question. The Bible, SOP and various authors have clearly pointed out to us the importance of this act of stewardship, which actually pre-dated the Israel priesthood, even in this 21st century Christendom. A list of links to these different sources of information is provided below. The all-bugging question is not "should we tithe?" but "how should we tithe?" In EGW's writings, the servant of the Lord didn't quite explain how one should tithe from our modern complex salary structures. If she did, it wasn't to detail, which is quite understandable considering the times in which she lived in. In the past, if your hen hatched ten chickens, you'd simply offer one for your tithe. My 96-year-old grandfather, a very strong Adventist (in fact first SDA of his tribe), was a farmer and used to tithe by counting the tenth row of every 10 rows of his coffee plantations.
But now, should a 21st century professional tithe from his basic salary (before the taxes, social funds, pension funds....) or should he/she tithe from his net salary? What Biblical principles govern either choice?
Tithing in the New Testament: